Well…has it?


Just how big is the World of Warcraft?

I came across this amusing post on the dimensions of the World of Warcraft today (thank God for BoingBoing!). Some of the methods employed are questionable (one commenter noted that using Blink would be a *much* better way of gaging distances) but it’s good for a laugh.

The longest straight, flat line that an adult human can walk in Azeroth without being interrupted by obstacles, mobs or the Horde stretches from the eastern end of the north parapet of the bridge into Westfall, across Elwynn Forest to the southernmost of the Three Corners in Lakeshire. An adult human walking at a steady pace will cover this distance in 18 minutes and 15 seconds. Humans walk at an average speed of 5.6 kilometres (3.5 miles) per hour, and therefore this route is roughly 1.7 kms (1.05 miles) long.

From Inductio Ex Machina: The Mathematical Grue

Colossal Cave meets nerd humor; this is fantastic stuff: The Mathematical Grue. Non-nerds needn’t apply. Just to give you a taste:

You are sitting before a particularly thorny conjecture.
Possible proofs lead away from here in several directions.

> inventory

You are carrying the following items:
A ream of blank paper
A pencil
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
Some half-remembered undergraduate mathematics

I <3 xkcd

Strike that. I reallyxkcd.

First Post

…of the new year (in fact, first post in the last 3 months) is, of course, another great comic from xkcd:

Candy Buttons

blog *rofl = &xkcd;


xkcd Does It Again

This one had me laughing out loud this morning…

Nerd Webcomics

pointersI’ve been keeping an eye on xkcd“A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language” – for a while now. It’s kind of hit-and-miss for me, but today’s post made me laugh out loud…

Canned oxygen: now available in a Seven-Eleven near you

canned oxygen…that is, if you happen to live in Japan. Perhaps taking its cue from increasingly popular oxygen bar fad, the convenience store chain has decided to start stocking its shelves with cans of oxygen. (I’m assuming the airplane facemask attachment is sold separately?) On the one hand – the reasonable one, if hands can be such – this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life. On the other, I was skeptical about bottled water when it first became popular…

FirefoxFlicks Winners

whee!FirefoxFlicks – a video promotion campaign for my personal favorite browser – has announced the winners of its competition. This one is easily my favorite.